July, 2015 There are 2 posts in this archive

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During 2014, the Virginia Coalfield Economic Development Authority provided the Industrial Development Au-thority of Russell County Virginia with a $1.5 million loan to construct a “shell building” in the county’s Cumber-land Plateau Regional Industrial Park. The news account below is about the ribbon-cutting ceremony held the following year for the completed project. The content has been adapted from an article by Heather Powers, published in The Lebanon News. LEBANON, Va. – Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe participated in a ribbon cutting on July 17, 2015, celebrating the completed construction on a new shell building, located in the Cumberland Plateau Regional Industrial Park …

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3B Consulting To Establish Headquarters In Russell County

posted on July 17, 2015 / 0 Comments

3B Consulting Services, LLC, a consulting and engineering company that has served Southwest Virginia since 2012, announced at a news conference held July 17, 2015, that it plans to invest $2.5 million to es-tablish its headquarters in Russell County. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and several other dignitar-ies were on hand to celebrate the project’s groundbreaking. To learn more about 3B Consulting, visit www.3bcs.com. The company plans to invest $2.5 million and add 15 new jobs. LEBANON, Va. – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Friday, July 17, 2015, that 3B Consulting Services, LLC, a consulting and engineering service firm involved in environmental and construction …
